Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Taking William to the North Shore

Dole Pineapple Plantation
Turtle Beach

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Finally Hiked Diamond Head





Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I can't seem to blow the candles out!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

BAM !!!

Okay, today is Matthew's birthday and we met Emeril Lagasse, and had his new book "At the Grill" signed. I was a little nervous about meeting him, I have heard that he is, Well, not a very nice man, a little egotistical and an ass hole. I honestly thought that I would leave and not want to watch his shows again, but I was pleasantly wrong. We got there and stood watching him for a bit, he was very serious when he was signing a book, but as soon as his eyes looked up, what a wonderful attitude and a very nice smile. So, when our set of #'s were called we stood in line and waited, not a long wait. While in line Matthew asks me "Why doesn't he like to touch chicken?", I tried to explain and then told him to ask when we got up there. It was our turn, we had 3 books to sign, mine, his and Will's, Matthew wanted the most perfect book that I had gotten, so his was on top. He was so funny, I don't think I have ever seen him so nervous in his life, not to mention speechless, yeah, I am talking about Matthew. So he finally steps up and says hi, he wouldn't as him about the chicken, so I did. As it turns out, Emeril is afraid of the "Chicken Police". Signed all three books, I got to shake his hand, yeah, I touched Emeril, said a few words and our time was up. I will say again though, everyone who says he acts like an ass, is wrong. I am so happy I don't have to stop watching his show. BAM! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATTHEW!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dieting,Week One

It has been one week on this diet, and I am hungry, but surviving. I have lost 4 lbs this week, that's a start I suppose. There were a couple of times that were hard. Had a scrapbook night that had a lot of food, I made 3 batches of different types of scones. It was hard not to eat all the great things there, I ate one scone and brought a diet soda with me, yeah and nasty. But I guess we have to suffer sometimes for the things we want in life. Will report back in a week or two, wish me luck.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hawaiian Honu

Today I saw my first sea turtle. Not only one, but a few dozen. We have been here now for 7 months and I look everywhere we go, and not one. Today I was on a mission to locate the Great Hawaiian Honu, and found them. They are beautiful creatures, some graceful, and some, not soon much (the waves would flip them on the rocks and the silly things wouldn't be able to turn), they were quite wonderful. Next weekend we will be headed to the same location on the North Shore with our snorkel gear and try and get a closer look underwater, amazing.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Young Piccasso

Matthew has been taking some art classes lately, sketching and watercolor. This is a picture of his oranges, lemons, and limes that we went and framed. He has done a wonderful job. He has been spending a lot of time painting with different types of paints and learning different strokes. I do encourage it, he has always been very creative. I will post the pics as he does them.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Food, in a whole new lite

Today I started a diet, Weight Watchers to be exact. Up until about 2 years ago I never would have thought I would EVER have to diet. That's what I get for giving up my all time favorite past-time, smoking. So, knowing I am going back home next year I figured why not, now is the time, I will feel so much better if I loose the 30lbs I have put on, so I am doing it. I am not going to tell anyone what my current weight is, but I will update on how much I have lost. I remember quite a few years ago Theresa doing this diet, it was hard for her, and hard to learn to cook differently and hard to shop for the food. Now I get to experience it from her side as well, and I can tell you from day 1, not easy when you like to eat. Having to keep track of everything, and the coffee is not so good, yuk. But I will do it, and keep Theresa in mind as I do. If a 15 yr. old young girl can do this, so can her mom. So, 30 lbs, here we go....