Sunday, June 14, 2009

BAM !!!

Okay, today is Matthew's birthday and we met Emeril Lagasse, and had his new book "At the Grill" signed. I was a little nervous about meeting him, I have heard that he is, Well, not a very nice man, a little egotistical and an ass hole. I honestly thought that I would leave and not want to watch his shows again, but I was pleasantly wrong. We got there and stood watching him for a bit, he was very serious when he was signing a book, but as soon as his eyes looked up, what a wonderful attitude and a very nice smile. So, when our set of #'s were called we stood in line and waited, not a long wait. While in line Matthew asks me "Why doesn't he like to touch chicken?", I tried to explain and then told him to ask when we got up there. It was our turn, we had 3 books to sign, mine, his and Will's, Matthew wanted the most perfect book that I had gotten, so his was on top. He was so funny, I don't think I have ever seen him so nervous in his life, not to mention speechless, yeah, I am talking about Matthew. So he finally steps up and says hi, he wouldn't as him about the chicken, so I did. As it turns out, Emeril is afraid of the "Chicken Police". Signed all three books, I got to shake his hand, yeah, I touched Emeril, said a few words and our time was up. I will say again though, everyone who says he acts like an ass, is wrong. I am so happy I don't have to stop watching his show. BAM! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATTHEW!

1 comment:

Brian said...

Happy Birthday Matthew! Meeting Emeril sounds awesome!