Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day in, Day out...

It has been over a month since I have updated.....sorry.....been real busy but nothing interesting to report. Lets see, after William left I started working at the Ceramics Shop on the Air force Base in the evenings, and I absolutely love it, it is very relaxing. Matthew loves to come with me, he has gotten to pour and clean an ice cream cup, now it just needs to be painted (from beginning to end), will post a pic when he has finished. I also had to prepare for surgery on my nose, not being able to breath (or smell) is pretty crappy. My first surgery on my nose was 3 years ago, and it has been worse since then. Well, along with my nasal problems, a plastic surgeon comes in "is there anything about your nose you want changes, being as we are already going to be in there" well all of you that know me, know about my big, honking, nose so my response, "heck yeah". It is amazing what the Drs. don't tell you, like how bad it will be after, and how long you are going to be swollen, and that you won't be able to feel your nose for up to 4 months, go Drs. I understand how someone can go in once for a nose job (they don't know any better), but to continue to put themselves through they, they have to be minus a marble or two. Tomorrow will be week three, go back to the Dr. for her to tell me it is normal to be swollen and numb still, maybe someday soon I will look normal though, I hate going out in public right now. Oh, and I had to go back to work a week after surgery, fun times. When I am all healed up I will post before and after pics for all to see. Then, after surgery, had to get ready for school to start. I have put Matthew in a new program this year, the k-12, it is a home based/school based online/book program. Last week was our first week and I must say, it was hell. We could not get Internet on our laptops, so we spent the time in the upstairs spare room, with the dogs (god for bid they be left alone), doing the work. There was no inching your way into it, SLAM, full force from day one. A friend came and fixed the computers Thurs. night, Friday we were downstairs at the dining room table and did great. Things are about to get more hectic though, we have to start going to the physical school location 3 days a week starting next week (and still have to do the stuff at home), TKD twice a week, Scouts, and work. But you know what, if we can handle, our time here will fly by. Matthew enjoys the program and I think we will have a handle on it next week, when it is time to change. Will have to see.
Oh and by the way....I have lost 10lbs, yeah for me!!

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